staves within system suddenly too wide

• Sep 20, 2012 - 01:21

Using Windows and version 1.2. Suddenly, the staves are too far apart from each other, causing there to be only one system per page instead of the two that I had. This is a five part choral piece with a line for mandolin. When I go to fix it through the "page" section of "General Style", nothing happens. And yet I was able to make the top and lower margins more narrow. Tried looking through the forums, but I can't seem to find how to bring those staves close together again.


Tough to say without seeing the score. If the problem is really staves *within* a system as your thread title says, then assuming you are setting an appropriate staff distance, I might guess you have lyrics and inadvertently created some blank verses (easy to do by hitting Enter while typing lyrics). But I'm also thinking you really meant to say the extra space is *between* systems, and you have been playing with *staff* distance when you should be playing with *system* distance. Also, be sure to check your page fill threshold - no changes to system distance will have any effect if your page exceeds that threshold.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It is the distance between the staves, although I'm not sure I could correct it if the distance between systems was a problem too! I bet you are right on the money that I hit Enter in at some point - it certainly has widened across the board. So - do I hit Delete somewhere or what can I do? Also - what should the page fill threshold say in order for me to have it make a difference? That might make the difference, I bet, if I get that right. Thanks.

In reply to by kaynebc

Again, wiout seeing the score, al I can do is guess. Posting the score would clarify things instantly.

Page fill threshold is exactly what is says - atheeshold above which the page will be filled. Set it 100% and that will guarantee the page fill wil never kick in, allowing you to see the effects of your settings better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Mmmm...I don't think you are getting the score as I wrote it. That's another issue all together. The pdf file does not print out the true score. Plus it looks like the one I sent has the staves lined up just fine (it's just that the notation is incorrect). Sorry...Don't know how to fix that either!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm not sending it to you properly. I didn't intend to send the pdf file. I'll try again. How's this?

And - how do I get rid of font issues for a pdf file?

I want to be able to send the finished piece via email to the people singing the piece. How do you do that?

Anyway, still trying to resolve staff issue. First things first!

Thanks for your patience.

Attachment Size
Window Waltz.mscz 9.37 KB

I checked your file and it seems that the problem is not the distance between the staves but the margins of your lyrics (upper and lower). The two lines are far away from each other and that affects the whole system all over the score. Move the lines of the lyrics closer and the staves will come closer too. You should also check the frames you inserted between the staves.


Thanks to all who have been helping me out the past few days. I still have a lot of questions, but think I'll just go ahead and upgrade to 1.2 and go from there, basically start all over again. New manual with that? Do I need to delete the present MuseScore program I have or just go ahead and upgrade?

Also, I did not resolve all my problems, including converting to a .pdf file, but I have a rehearsal deadline - would someone be so kind to make a good .pdf file of the attached and put it in a reply so that I can send it out to rehearsal members? They wouldn't be able to read the musescore file without having the program, right? Thanks again.

Attachment Size
Window Waltz.mscz 12.61 KB

In reply to by kaynebc

I thought you said you were already on 1.2? That's the current version and has been for some time now. There have been no really major chnges between it and any previous versions. 2.0 will be another story entirely. That's still months from release, but you can install experimental nightly builds if you like living n the edge. Documentation on the new stuff n 2.0 is sketchy to non-existent, though.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I forgot how to look to find out what version I have. Can't find it just now. The handbook is for 0.94 and older. I downloaded the manual July 26, 2011, so whatever you had around that time was what I got.

Here's a question: How do I delete extra measures at the end of a piece?

Btw, I'm an old Sibelius user. I started at 2.0 and semi-graduated to 5.0, but I couldn't get 7 to download properly after much discussion with the AVid folks.

Am looking forward to seeing if I can transfer many files over to musescore, but I have a lot to learn before I do that...

In reply to by kaynebc

Help->About is the standard way of finding the version in most programs, including MuseScore. July of 2011 is when 1.1 was released, so I'm guessing that's what you have.

Deleting measures hasn't changed - select them, ctrl-del (or whatever the equivalent is if you are on Mac; the edit/preferences/shortcuts to view & customize shortcuts).

Transfer from Sibelius works reasonably well *if* you have the Dolet plugin to allow MusicXML export from Sibelius. But that was an extra cost add-on prior to Sibelius 7.

In reply to by kaynebc

I think the plugin is from a third party, but Sbelius might resell it for you. Anyhow, nothing to do with MuseScore - it's something you meed to install into Sibelius so it can export the standard MusicXML format. One you have a MusicXML file, MuseScore or any other decent notation program can import it.

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