
• Apr 2, 2017 - 15:57

Does any one know if there's an easier way to separate staves? I have a three hundred measure piece, and its extremely tedious to have to use the inspector and manually change every single stave span from 2 to 1. It's also worth mentioning that I have three pianos for said piece, but each part has to have its own dynamics. If anyone has a tip or advice I'd really appreciate it.


I'm not quite getting it, can you share the score or a part of it?
Dynamics do by default apply to parts, not staves nor system, and barlines of piano does by default span 2 staves
Right click one barline, select all similar, then change span in inspector?

Don't manually change every single one—right-click on the first and choose Select / All Similar Elements in Same Staff, and then one change in the Inspector will update all of them.

Additionally, after all the barlines span the same number of staves, you can simply double-click and extend one of them (as Shoichi said), and all the rest will then automatically follow suit.

It is also worth questioning why you would want to separate the staves in this way if your piece has only two instruments, or if it is a piano score. Perhaps you have a vocal score? If so, had you started from one of the vocal templates would have had this done for you already. Best to attach your score so we can see what is actually going on.

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