Change note duration without deleting the subsequent note?

• Apr 3, 2017 - 11:53

When writing down some melody that I came up with, I'd like to first enter all of the notes regardless of length until the pitches are correct and then change their duration, but when I increase the duration of a note, MuseScore deletes the subsequent note to make room for it. I'd rather it pushed the subsequent notes instead of deleting them.
Is there a setting for this or maybe a different work flow?

2nd question: is it possible for MuseScore to get not only the pitch but also the duration of the notes when I input them via MIDI keyboard?


1. No, there currently isn't such an input mode in which shifting of subsequent notes happen.

2. Not in the current stable version; but the next version (2.1) contains semi-realtime midi input, which should come closer to what you're looking for. Version 2.1 is already available as a nightly build (see download page) and quite stable. Feel free to try it out.

Another workaround is to use real sequencer software specialized in MIDI-input to enter your melodies. Most of these editors do allow shift-editing of note durations.
Then import that MIDI into MuseScore to do the typesetting.

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