Troubles changing split point between bass/treble, move a note to the the other Clef

• Apr 25, 2017 - 21:59

As you see in this picture, Song1a.pdf. The blue selected note is obvious in wrong clef, when I executing the command control+shift+arrow, this is the result Song1b.pdf . Not the bass notes follow as well up to the treble which i don't want to happen. How can I fix this? Thanks for the help

regards, Anders Jonsson


You will need to use voices to separate the notes in the bass line. I would select one, then shift click each of the others then press ctrl-2 to move them to the 2nd voice, then use chtl-shift arrow to move them to the other staff. This will make the stems point down like you probably want.

You will just have to reenter the notes in a different voice. The tied notes prevents you from using the ctrl-2 to change voices.

Ctrl+Shift+arrow, for the record, does not actually move notes to another staff. It makes them *appear* in the other staff while still actually *belonging* to the current one. It isn't meant as a way of fixing up MIDi import (what I assume this is) or for generally cutting and pasting notes between staves. It's for a very specific advanced notational device known as cross-staff notation. So, don't be expecting that to do what you want here.

MIDI unfortunately doesn't contain info as to which staff to use for which notes, which is but one reason why it is generally not a very good format to rely upon for inputting scores. Unfortunately, while MuseScore will do its best to guess on such things, it will often be necessary to edit things by hand. For any but the most simple music, you may find it easier to just enter it by hand in the first place.

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