note jumps an octave after insertion

• Apr 27, 2017 - 18:33
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S3 - Major

2 staff score, trumpet and trombone, when attempting to insert a B on the upper (trumpet) staff, the note immediately jumps an octave. Starting it off as an A and then moving up a half step results in the same thing. I've attached a snip of the two positions. You can see at the bottom that it starts off at A4, and then reads as A#4 even though it should be A5. This only occurs on the upper staff. The lower staff works fine. Also, if I switch the instrument to Piano, the same thing happens, but for some reason, it does actually change the octave (i.e. it jumps A4 -> Bb5). Is there some setting that I could have tripped that causes this? I haven't seen any other posts regarding a similar problem.

Attachment Size
note.png 24.48 KB


In order to understand what is going on, we would need to attach the actual score (not just a picture of it), and give us precise steps to reproduce the problem. Most likely your score is corrupt in some way - the pitch of the previous note is probably recorded incorrectly, and you'll see a problem if you press the Concert Pitch button. In which case, we'd also want to know if you might have any insight into how it got that way - what was the last thing you did before the problem appeared.

I'm not sure what I did immediately before (probably created a bar with Ctrl + B), I only noticed the problem when attempting to add a B on the staff. Also, I could copy a measure and it would keep the correct notes. New developments since I posted:
1. I opened a new file, and had no trouble placing a note wherever I wanted. I was even able to successfully copy the part from the new file to the old score.
2. I had changed instrument of the top line of the offending score to Trumpet from Piano a few hours ago but all sounds were still coming out as if it was set to Piano
3. Just now after reading your suggestion of changing to concert pitch I gave it a try and MuseScore immediately crashed. This is particularly interesting because I had tried toggling this several times before but it didn't do anything besides move the trumpet part up and down a whole step. It asked if I wanted to debug in visual studio 2015 so I gave that a shot, but Visual Studio also crashed.
4. When I restarted MuseScore, it recovered the document and now everything works fine. The trumpet sounds like a trumpet and I can place notes anywhere. This is also interesting because I had tried shutting MuseScore down a couple times to see if it was just the program. Downside is I can no longer re-create the problem :(

Is there a log file/crash report you would like me to send you?

Log files aren't usually helpful - more helpful would be the actual score, plus precise steps to reproduce the problem. I guess the fact that you can no longer recreate the problem is both good news and bad news - good news for you for now, bad news for any chance of us identifying and fixing the underlying problem :-). But I do still think attaching the file might be useful, we might see some sort of telltale signs of what might have been going on.

Thanks for posting! No obvious clues at first glance, but if you find steps to reproduce the problem, let us know. Meanwhile we'll have a record of this in case anyone wants to investigate further on their own.