Bar Lines Do Not Save

• Dec 22, 2012 - 17:18

musescore 1.2
Windows XP
Jazz Lead Sheet

Drag bar line or repeat from palette to start of system - all well. On save / close / open - edit lost.

Style > Edit General Style > Bar lines > Bar line at start of single staff = OFF
(bar line in first system not desired) (does not solve loss of repeat sign on save / close / open if = ON)

Attachment Size
I Can't Help Myself.mscz 4.02 KB


The current version of MuseScore doesn't support the idea of special barlines at the beginning of systems - barline styles are always associated with the *right* side of a measure, not the left. So you can add a double bar to the end of one system, but you can't force a corresponding double bar to appear at the start of the next. The ability to set left barlines for the start of a system has already been added for 2.0, which I am very much looking forward to.

But repeats work just fine from the beginning of a system. I'm away from my computer and can't try your file, but could you describe in more detail what you are trying to do, what you expected to see happen, and what you see instead? Are you saying you are adding an open repeat to the left of a system, verifying it appeara, then finding it gone when you reload the file? I,ve never seen that, so I wonder if maybe you aren't doing something something else?

At my computer now. When I open your file, I don't see any start repeats, so I assume you tried to create one and lost it somehow? I added one to the start of the second system (seemed the most logical place), saved, closed, re-opened - and the repeat sign is still there. So either I'm not understanding the problem, or it isn't happening for me.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the explanation of bar lines. It makes sense and sounds as though 2.0 will resolve that issue. In the meantime I can live with STYLE > EDIT GENERAL STYLE > BARLINES > BARLINE AT START OF SINGLE STAFF = ON.

However, the repeat sign (while it does save when inserted in the "measure") appears to suffer an indentation problem. Visually it is correct when inserted associated with the first slash in the measure (drag repeat sign to first slash, the slash will highlight red, release). Any suggestions?

Also, in this same vein, I am unable to insert a treble cleff and new key signature (would also like courtesy key sig).
In the file, for example at [45].

BTW, thanks for your help.

In reply to by jawlaw

Regarding indent - do you mean the fact that if you drop the open repeat on the measure itself, it's a couple of pixels in from the left? I'm not sure if that's deliberate or not. Your workaround seems good. You might try installing a nightly build of 2.0 to see if the behavior has changed.

Regarding the clef, it's already treble clef, so I guess that's why you can't add another (although I think you probably can in 2.0). You have display of keys at start of systems turned off, which isn't such a good idea, although no doubt, MuseScore should al least show changes.

overall, I'd say you're maybe working too hard to emulate a very bad style of notation used in some older fakebooks (and newer ones that deliberately copy those). You're really better off showing clefs and keys.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am disappointed in the condescension toward an eloquent system of notation standardized by the Berklee Real Book some 40 years ago. Perhaps there is good reason that such emulation continues today. It is unfortunate that musescore does not embrace its spirit.

In reply to by jawlaw

Don't get me wrong - I agree MuseScore should work better with this style. I'm just giving practical advice here - since it doesn't currently work that well, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by adhering to standard practice.

But FWIW, just because a group of college students decided it was a nice idea to skip clefs and key signatures in a book they probably never expected to ever be seen outisde of Boston, doesn't make it so. It leads to unnecessary reading errors, with next to nothing gained in return. I did some of the transcription work on subsequent legal editions of the Real Book, and I know the editors make the conscious decision to copy the original style of notation, but they later came to regret it and reversed that decision in later volumes. So having been there, done that, I am speaking from experience here when I say it just isn't worth it.

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