.wav save takes several minutes in 1.2

• Jan 2, 2013 - 03:09
S4 - Minor

I had been using 1.0 rev. 3996 with no problems. GREAT software and project !!!!

I upgraded to version 1.2 recently. Now "Save as .wav" takes several minutes to create the .wav file and sometimes just stops responding and I eventually kill it after awhile.

I uninstalled and reinstalled with no change. I downloaded 1.1 but had the same problem. Re-installed 1.0 and it builds a .wav file in seconds the way it used to.

I'm running Vista SP2. My computer has 4 GB of RAM and an Intel Core2 Duo 2.4 GHz CPU and plenty of HD space.

Any input on this is appreciated. I would love to use the new version.


Hi msm_35

Thanks for your report.

#10462: Progress bar while exporting files

The lack of a progress bar (in certain situations?) is one thing, but I don't know if there's a reason why versions subsequent to 1.0 take longer to create the file - could the developers perhaps explain?

Despite this, it's recommended to use 1.2, as it features many fixes earlier versions.

Reports in the Issue Tracker are now for the forthcoming version 2.0, so could you check a nightly build (link ) to see if the problem exists there?

Thanks for the reply. I only have one score that will not create a .wav file at all and it is the first and only score created by a musescore user. The link is as follows:


I've never experienced that over 2 years of using Musescore. However, it will not create a .wav in 1.o either. I really don't care about that as I'm more concerned with my own work.

I tried to download the 2 most receny nightly builds but I get this for each:

Not Found
The requested URL /windows/nightly/MuseScoreNightly-2013-01-02-0027-e42fb28.7z was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I have download the third most recent build as follows:
I see the progress bar but the time to create the .wav is the same than 1.2. (but I do like the interface). The only difference is that the bar stuck on 12% and the program showed as "Not Responding). Then, the progress bar disappeared and the program was fine again. The .wav file was created. I tried another score about the same size. The bar went to 39% and disappeared after 37 sec. The .wav file was created and the program no longer showed as "Not Responding". That is a bit better time-wise and the program didn't have to be killed and didn't crash.

So, I will use this nightly build even tough it is slower than 1.0. I do like what I've seen so far.

I think we'll leave this issue open for the developers to look at.

2.0 is still under development, so I wouldn't recommend saving work in it - you might be able to do some things with caution though.


Thanks very much.

The more I use it, the less I like 2.0 version. MuseScore was so intuitive and flexible. I've never had to use tutorials,etc. to create everything I've needed. The help file was all I needed. Now, I think I'll need a class just to find out how to do things that I could do so easily in 1.2. I'm a firm believer in the saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I keep finding more things in just the first time using 2.0. I can't format the copyright line or use multiple lines (as many copyrights do). F2 for different symbols doesn't work anymore. I'm still trying to figure out how to use a footer instead of the copyright line. I just found that the key signature doesn't change when I change the instrument under "Staff Properties" (maybe that's a new bug?) I'm back to 1.2 for now.

Again thanks!

Status (old) needs info closed
Status needs info closed

No news for many years. Wav export works in 2.3 and in master and it displays a progress bar. I close this issue.