
• Feb 4, 2013 - 07:40

If anyone knows how to move measures from Musescore to a Word document, please let me know. This feature will be in version 2.0 but there has been some beta testing already. Thanks in advance.


Well, Word doesn't understand "measures" or anything else regarding music. But you can certainly create graphics (eg, export a PNG file) from MuseScore and then import that into Word. 2.0 will have a somewhat more convenient way of doing that, but it's still perfectly possible and simple in 1.X.

If it's just one or two times you expect to do this, the easiest thing is to file / save and choose PNG. Then you can onsert the PNG directly into Word just like any other graphic, and I think it has tools to let you crop or resize the image as needed. Or you could edit the PNG in a graphics editor before inserting it.

If you're going to do it more often, but still not like dozens of times in a row, you might try the Snippet Creator plugin (see Plugins at menu on right side of this page), which does the cropping for you, so your graphic is already cropped to just contain the music.

If this is something you will do a *lot* (like if you are writing a book) you may want to see my MuseScore Example Manager for LibreOffice , which automates the whole process, including the process of then making changes to your notated excerpts and updating the document. But it does require you to use LibreOffice (or rather than Word.

In any case, all of these methods assume your score contains just the music you want - there is no way to just select a couple of measures from a larger score. No big deal - just copy those measures to a new score and use that. But this is the part 2.0 makes easier.

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