tempo text does not appear when empty staves are hidden

• May 16, 2013 - 20:19
Graphical (UI)

To reproduce this bug:
1. Use a score with 2 or more staves (mine had 6)
2. Select the option to hide empty staves
3. Go to a bar where the stave that would normally be at the top of the system is not visible due to being empty.
4. Select a note in the top visible stave of that bar
5. Create Tempo Text (ctrl-alt-T), select a tempo and hit OK
6. No text appears.

I think this is related to a deeper problem: Tempo, Segno/Coda marks, prima/secondi volta marks, guitar chords etc. all seem to be linked to the topmost stave rather than the system. This means that if you delete the top stave from the instruments dialogue, all those marks vanish. It would be better to have them linked to the system as a whole, although this might be a wide-reaching structural code change!
