[MusicXML] Voice 0 not imported

• Jul 19, 2013 - 21:50
S4 - Minor

Steps to reproduce bug
1. Open the attached file: tmpCM5s1G.xml

Expected behavior: MuseScore should display a G upstem and an E downstem (see expected.PNG attached)

Actual behavior: MuseScore displays an E downstem only (see actual.PNG attached)

Discussion: The line that causes problems for MuseScore is: <voice>0</voice> (MuseScore imports the file correctly if the voice numbers are greater than 0). But zero is valid MusicXML. It can be any unique string. See http://www.musicxml.com/UserManuals/MusicXML/Content/EL-MusicXML-voice…

The MusicXML file was created by the Music21 library. For the relevant discussion on this topic see the last few posts on the following thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/music21list/XX2-VO-4oxA

MuseScore version: 1.3 and also nighltybuild of 2.0 ( c4e95c7 )

(Operating System: Windows 7)

Attachment Size
tmpCM5s1G.xml 1.64 KB
expected.PNG 1.78 KB
actual.PNG 1.79 KB


MuseScores MusicXML importer indeed assumes voices to be identified by integers greater than zero. As the MusicXML specifications allows any string, this is obviously a bug.