[Guitar Pro] Drum notes incorrectly mapped

• Aug 1, 2013 - 22:52

1. Open attached file.

Expected result: The cross notehead is mapped to 'G' - as seen in Harmony Assistant 9.6.3f and Guitar Pro 5.1.0 for iOS.
Actual Result: The cross notehead is mapped to 'A'.

Drum notes incorrectly mapped.png

Note: The file was taken from a complete score and edited in TuxGuitar 1.2.

Discussion: I don't understand TuxGuitar's representation - the notes appear almost two octaves below. The expected result will probably be correct?

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (d5997be) - Mac 10.7.5.


Create a score in GP/TG with quarter notes, one per drum instrument (128?). Create a text file and for each note, write down the MIDI pitch, the notehead shape, the staff line. I hope there is a default notehead etc... for drums.

From this text file, we could derive a default drumset that we can use for guitar pro import. Currently I believe we are using the default drumset of MuseScore and some MIDI pitches are not mapped, or mapped wrongly.

we are using the default drumset of MuseScore and some MIDI pitches are not mapped, or mapped wrongly.

Is this something I should look at?

And is there an issue filed?