Updated translations incompletely shown
Windows 7, using a freshly installed MuseScore 2.1 or a fresh nightly build from 2.2 or master (no translation updates, or with those removed ny emptying %LOCALAPPDATE%/MuseScore/MuseScore*/locale/), in any language that translated notes differently from A-G, e.g. Italian, French, German
Create new score or take existing one
Select any clef and double click Ambitus from Lines Palette in Advanced Workspace
Select Ambitus and check the Range pull down menus from the Amibtus inspector
It shows the properly translated notes
Now update translations, and restart
Again apply an Ambitus and look at the Range menus in Inspector:
Now they are no longer translated, or only some, regardless that all ImspectorAmbitus strings (# 691-725) are properly translated on Transifex.
Victim of that behavoir is not only the Ambitus Inspector, but also the notenames plugin (which uses the very same translations)
2.0.3 is not affected by this, so we have a regression here, and I really wonder whether there's more problems behind this.
No longer current/needed