Repeat bar lines within measure

• Jun 14, 2017 - 15:22

I am using MuseScore to view files that have been created by MuseScore. I find that whenever a repeat bar line appears within a measure in the original score, there seems to be a struggle to get it in place leading, in cases, to the introduction of foreign time signatures and the insertion of new partial measures. If I edit the XML and place the bar lines in the proper sequence in relation to the adjacent notes and rests, while removing the additional artefacts such as time signature and measures, the repeat bar lines appear at one of the adjacent measures.


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You can add repeat barlines in the middle of a measure by dragging them onto a note or rest, but these won't play back. If you want a mid-measure repeat barline to correctly play back, split the measure first, then apply the repeat barline to the partial measure

Is there any good reason why the MusicXML entry cannot be sequenced graphically as in the source? This would give the maximum flexibility. The solution of changing time signatures to accommodate such is not helpful. MIDI rendering might sound o.k. but at the cost of moving away from notational focus of MuseScore. Such a solution would involve 3 changes of time signature for each repeat barline! Additionally unintended metric barlines result.

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