Some letters cannot be entered into lyrics with SHIFT depressed

• Aug 22, 2013 - 11:37
S4 - Minor

Just been working on a score, and discovered that certain capital letters cannot be added by using SHIFT+letter, but have to be entered by using CAPS LOCK

So far I have found SHIFT I and SHIFT O

There may be others.

Presumably there is a conflict between Shortcut settings - both these key combinations are currently assigned.

MuseScore2 commit-9560130
Windows 8 Pro


L is affected too. Strangly none of the other SHIFTed shortcuts.
All three are related to Loop playback (I: Loop start, O: Loop end, L: Loop toggle) and disabling These shortcuts makes them available in Lyrics entry again, so we're looking at a regression added with that new loop feature

Ah, thanks for the report. That's right it's a problem. But it will be corrected soon, when I submit a commit. It was because the shortcuts I defined for the Loop In/Out payback were not initialized with the right states.

Now I understand more the different states (but there should be some documentation about them somewhere...!)

Status (old) active fixed

This is already solved. Tested with 62803b8f5e

@ChurchOrganist if you can stil lreproduce, try to remove your preferences file and try again. If it doesn't work, please give more details (which letters, which test, MuseScore version etc...). I put the issue on fixed. Reopen if necessary.