"Boing!" Effect?

• Sep 22, 2013 - 16:57

Hello! (New here).

So I was making a piece, and in it I wanted to include a "boing!" sound effect to the timpani. It is possible in Finale, but is it possible in Musescore? Any help on how I can make it have that effect?

Thanks, SlickZ.


First thing to keep in mind is that MuseScore is primarily a notation program - designed to produce written scores for human musicinas to read. So your first question should b, what sort of marking do you think a human musician would need to see to tell hom to create that effect. Then you can start to think about whether there is a way to attach any sort of computer playback effect to that marking. I'm guessing maybe a glissando between two pitches is how this would be notated? These can be found in the palette on the left. They don't playback in 1.x though. So you'd probably fake it using invisible notes or something. Or save the score as a MIDI file and then load it into a sequencer to add a pitch bend. Or just not worry about the computer playback.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well they notate using a glissando for the effect. And yeah, I know MuseScore is only a notation program. But I was asking if it was possible to just make the effect itself. Well, the whole turning the mscz into a midi file and bending the pitch is a good idea. I wonder how that works. Thanks though!

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