How to copy and paste multiple chord names

• Oct 5, 2013 - 11:38

Dear all,

Does anybody know how to copy and paste multiple chord names at the same time?
I'm trying to create new music sheet with chord names on all of the bars, but I only can copy and paste them one by one at the moment. It will save my time significantly if it's possible to do it all at once.



Before you write any notes in the bars, wrote the chordnames attached to the rests. Then copy all the bars themselves and pasts.

Once chordnames are attached to notes you will have to copy both notes and names by the same process.

Chordnames cannot be copied as a group without copying all aspects of the bar.

In reply to by xavierjazz

If you've already entered notes into the destination staves, hope is not lost. You can still use a scratch staff to get what you want. Copy the source some temporary place, then copy the destination to that same temporary place. Now you'll have both chords and notes. Then copy this back to the destination. You have to use the temporary staff because copying the source bars directly to the destination will of course overrite the contents. You also get around this by exchanging voices in cases where everything is already just in a single voice, but the scratch staff always works.

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