Jeux pipe organ soundfont customisation

• Oct 9, 2013 - 09:28

As you will know from the Technology Preview forum, John McCoy is very kindly allowing us to customise the Jeux Soundfont for use with MuseScore 2.

The first stage of that customisation is now complete - the changing of the presets to Banks 1 and 2 so they don't conflict with Fluid's GM presets. We hope that this is temporary as Werner is working on resolving the conflict problem.

What we need now is for people to start using the soundfont and give feedback about which presets work successfully with MuseScore and which don't.

During this development stage the soundfont will be available from the MuseScore project's working download space at FileFactory:

Eventually, it will be uploaded to MuseScore's own filespace.


Thanks for working on this, Michael!

However, the link provided leads to an .exe file. Even assuming I can trust an .exe downloaded from a generic file sharing web site, I cannot run it on Linux.

I understand the band width concern, but what about we 'differently operating' guys out there? (particularly for a file which is mostly OS-agnostic like a sound font)



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