Sforzato and Staccato

• Jul 12, 2017 - 13:52

Good morning friends, I would first like to thank everyone who helps build MuseScore, it has been very useful.

I use it in Windows 10 Pro 1703 (Creator Edition) and I also use ubuntu 16.04 LTS 2.

I use MuseScore 2.1.0 on Windows and MuseScore 2.0.2 on Ubuntu.

I'm having difficulty with the following situation:

#When on the same note I add Sforzato along with Staccato, MuseScore stops making Staccato.

I've tried using the two separate ones and it works normally in playback.

Both the Sforzato and the Staccato appear on the note, not affecting who will read, but in reproduction it stops making the Staccato.

Thank you in advance for the attention and cooperation of all those involved.

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I can not say with propriety on the subject, at first it seems to me a similar situation, but I can not say that it is the same case.

My difficulty is only when they are both together, when they are separated the respective joints function normally.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5314476

When you have multiple articulations on a note, the one placed on last will be the only one that plays.

However, sforzato still plays even when you untick the "play" checkbox under that articulation, so if you untick "play" for all the sforzatos you'll get the staccato to play with the sforzato's increase in volume.

Solving one bug with another bug.

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