Cross staff beaming problem (simultaneous notes)

• Aug 4, 2017 - 11:27

Hello all. I have a piece for piano for which I need to beam notes across the grand staff, to show as clearly as possible what the left and right hands should be playing. I have come up against a problem though, and haven't been able to find a solution in any of the other posts. On the attached screen shot, everything is in the right place except for the low D note on the first 16th note of the bar, shown notated in the treble clef. Basically I want the left hand to play the D and A notes, and the right hand to play the F#s (and the high E at the end of the bar). The problem is that when there are two simultaneous notes, I can't seem to separate them across the staves. It seems only possible to have them both in the bass clef, or both in the treble clef. Has anyone had a similar problem and know how to fix this? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all


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Cross Beaming.jpg 53.03 KB


You will need smoke and mirrors to annotate it like that. Move the D from the chord into the second voice as a 16th note. Make any unwanted rests invisible (or since they're in voice 2 delete them). Select the 16th note flag and make it invisible (press V). Double click the 16th notes stem and adjust it's length so it looks like it comes out of the beam from the other notes.

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