Pitches incorrect after inserting measures before key signature/clef change

• Dec 24, 2013 - 17:32
S2 - Critical

Windows 7, GIT commit: c67a0ae

Seems I remember seeing something like before, but I can't find a current open issue:

1) open attached score
2) click measure 4 (the one containing the Bb)
3) press Insert to insert a measure
4) click the newly inserted measure 4
4) start entering notes: N 7 B B

Result: the second B entered (in what is now measure 5) sounds as a B natural, even though the key signature is still Bb major.

Apparently MuseScore is still remembering the fact that measure 5 formerly (before the measure insert) had a G major key signature.

Attachment Size
key-after-insert-ms.mscz 1.5 KB


Similar problem happens with Clef. See file attached. Same instructions.

Similar problem also happens when deleting measures. In the attached score, delete measure 3, select first rest of the score, press N, and C several times until you got two measures over the F clef. The first measure after the F clef is incorrect (notes are too low)

Attachment Size
insert.mscz 1.33 KB
Title Pitches incorrect after inserting measures before key signature change Pitches incorrect after inserting measures before key signature/clef change