Page numbers

• Jan 24, 2014 - 12:47

When I am working on a multi-page piece, MuseScore displays on screen the page numbers, but I can't find any way to have them appear on the final printed copy. Any ideas?


They do appear there too, for sure. Unless the paper is shorter then the format you picked in MuseScore (like Letter in MuseScore, but A4 in the printer)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Other way around - letter is shorter than A4 :-) This is a regular issue for US-based users: the default page size in MuseScore is A4 unless you change it. So unless you override this, all scores get their bottoms chopped off when you print on Letter-sized paper, which is the only size people ever use here.

First thing US-based users should do after installing MsueScore is go to Edit / Preferences / Score and change the default. If you have scores you've already created before changing the default, you can fix them by going to Layout / Page Settings.

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