attachments don't work properly

• Feb 18, 2014 - 15:16
S4 - Minor

In the forum as well as in the issue tracker it seems that attaching files doesn't work reliably, not at the 1st attempts at least.
There were numerous of t cases in the past couple days/weeks, where people claimed their attachment to have been there on preview, but not after saving and today I've seen the same behaviour when creating #24735: fretboard diagrams don't allocate extra space on any non-top staff

  1. create new issue
  2. attach some file png
  3. preview (not needed to reproduce, just to conform the file is shown)
  4. save

The attachment is missing

Damn, it worked this time?!?

OK, attach another one, untick the 'List' checkbox, use inline

NOT FOUND: 2.png

Attachment Size
1.png 10.12 KB


Ah, so 'preview' was a necessary step to run into the problem
Whow, that problem is almost 4 years old but only bites us since a couple weeks?