I'm not able to modify the translation. Why?

• Mar 11, 2014 - 18:39
S4 - Minor

Hi, I enjoy very much your wonderful plugin to ease my 10 years old son with his flute study, until he doesn't get accustomed with reading notes on the staff.

Your plugin works wonderfully to insert note names in italian, but, when it comes to inserting alterations the italian translation inserts the FULL name of the alteration (bemolle, diesis, doppio bemolle or doppio diesis) and this overlaps with all other notes. I tried to modify the .js translation file, but the plugin doesn't change its behavior.

NOT FOUND: .js file modification.png

NOT FOUND: musescore insert.png

what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion


For questions it is better to use the forum...
To modify the translations, edit the locale_it.ts file and run lrelease after that (from Qt Linguist) to create an updated locale_it.qm file. In the js file you'll find only the English 'fallback' strings.