even number measures per system

• Sep 6, 2017 - 22:01

Musescore often creates strange widths of measures -- sometimes just one or two measures per line when 4 would fit. Doing lead sheets I like to keep them 4 bars per line for easy sight-reading. Any way to do that? The STRETCH command is real iffy. Thanks.


MuseScore never ever puts less measures in a line than would fit using the current settings like page width and page borders, scaling, note to note distance, lyrics, etc, unless it gets forced to by system breaks, or in the very last system.

As mentioned above, the default is to place as many measures on a system as can actually fit given you current settings. If you are seeing a situation where only one or two measures appear even though you think more would fit, then either there is a line break there forcing MuseScore to start a new line, or te next measure actually would not fit. If you have a score where you think neither of these is true, please attach it so we can investigate. But I'm guessing it's a line break. You can delete any line breaks you inadvertently added - or ones that were present in the score you started from (the default score has line breaks every four bars, for example) - by clicking the icon and pressing Delete. You can add news ones form the Breaks palette. Or use Edit / Tools / Add / Remove Line Breaks to set up your own regular pattern.

Stretch should only be needed to force more measures to fit than your current settings allow. It works, but might take multiple adjustments before you've reduced it enough. In such cases, it might be better to reconsider your settings - like reducing the staff size - so more can fit by default without getting overly crowded.

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