Cursor and element gets stretched when dragging element from palettes

• Sep 7, 2017 - 18:40
Reported version
Graphical (UI)

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Drag an item from the palette to the score (preferably click on the bottom or right part of the icon). Repeat with other items until the bug happens (the mouse cursor and element appears vertically stretched on the score).
  2. Press the "PrtSc" or "SysRq" button. Release the mouse button. It should now show two horizontally stretched copies of the mouse cursor.

Expected behaviour

The element is dragged, always looking identical to the icon in the palette. No stretching occurs.

Actual behaviour

The mouse cursor sometimes gets stretched vertically, or rather divided into horizontal lines 1 pixel wide with white lines in between, when dragging an element from the palettes. Pressing the "PrtSc" or "SysRq" buttons resets the cursor, but then when the mouse button is then released, the cursor now shows as two horizontally stretched copies next to one another.

I cannot reliably reproduce the bug yet, but it normally happens within the first ten tries. It does seem that it is more prone to happen, and happen reliably, if the element is clicked on the bottom or right side, but I am not sure yet. It is, however, sure to happen. Just not every time.

Note: I can't post a screenshot, since Windows doesn't capture the mouse cursor if I take a screenshot.


MuseScore 3.0 4e316e8

Operating system

Windows 7 32 bit SP 1


Results from further testing

There seem to be two regions in each element in the palettes' click box. Clicking inside the one region (usually top or left side) causes normal behaviour. Clicking in the wrong spot, however, causes the unexpected behaviour explained above. It is normally to the right of the box. In the Grace Notes palette, it is a very small region in the bottom right. For Arpeggios & Glissandos and Tremolo, it is toward the bottom of the icon. For Text, there are three regions: left, middle and right. Left causes normal behaviour, middle causes the same amount of stretch as is observed in the other regions and right doubles the stretch, with the exception of Change Instrument, which has two regions: left and right. Left causes the same amount of stretch as is observed in other palettes and right doubles that stretch. There is nowhere that causes normal display in that specific box. Fingering I couldn't get to break, neither Frames & Measures nor Beam Properties.

Hope this help a bit more.