deleted volta hooks don't stay gone
When unchecking the box for either a beginning hook or end hook in line properties, upon saving, closing, and re-opening the file the hooks are back. They never stay gone. I've tried saving various files in .mscx and .mscz formats and the result is the same.
Musescore version 1.3 Revision 5702
OS: Mac 10.9.2
Does this also happen with a current nightly build? 1.x won't receive further fixes...
In the nightly build 2.0 6ff5b02 there are now volta endings without hooks you can select in the Lines palette, so it appears in the new version the problem will be solved.
Hopefully the 2.0 stable release will happen soon!
so the issue seems fixed, right?
Yes, thanks!
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.