Note entry in the handbook

• Sep 14, 2017 - 02:14

A common question that arises in the forums is found in this recent post:

The new user wonders why rests are inserted at the end of the measure when they enter notes. I think basic note entry should explain this to help new users understand what is going on. Thoughts?


Agreed, it would be good to make this particular Handbook entry as clear as possible, because so much in MuseScore hinges on one's understand of note input. The trick is to figure out how to do so without overwhelming people. But other common questiosn that would be good to head off with a really good Handbook entry for note input would be how to do multiple voices (which of course hardly anyone asks about by name), how to delete or insert notes, how to change duration of notes, etc. The information is (mostly) all there, but could probably be presented better.

I'm sure everyone saw the update to the handbook and I hope it helps.

Jojo made a slight alteration to my additions. He changed

(inline:empty score.png)


(inline:empty score.png=Empty score)

(both of these are in square brackets of course)

I suspect it is to make moving the mouse over the pictures bring up a context note or whatever you want to call it. However, this does not happen on my Windows 10 system using Google Chrome.

In reply to by mike320

Drupal has handled the inline pictures in a different way, in this forum.
Instead of using the <div> or <span> element, it uses <p> (paragraph tag) and <picture> with <source>, and calls the images differently than the <img> tag.
For this reason, the desired hover effect doesn't occur.
And that's why: inline images always comes as block elements.

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