Some dynamics have too much internal space (no kerning)

• Apr 2, 2014 - 18:51
S4 - Minor

Windows 7, GIT commit: 03de8d7

1) create score
2) add "mp" dynamic

Result" too much space between "m" and "p"

Most dynamics look fine, but a few exhibit this problem. mp, sff, sffz, sfpp. Perhaps others not on my palette?


BTW, this appears to most pronounced when using Emmentaler as the score font. If I switch to Bravura, "mp" at least looks good. The others still don't, and now "ff" doesn't either. With Gonville they are all better, although some of the letters are a bit mismatched in appearance to my eyes.

Which letters are mismatched in Gonville. It could be missing glyphs in Gonville font and MuseScore fallbacks to Bravura. See #24787: [Gonville] Missing Glyphs

Regarding emmentaler, could it be that the kerning information has been lost in Emmentaler while we modified it to match SMuFL metrics for dynamics?

Does MuseScore really fall back to Bravura if glyphs are not found in the configured font? I don't think so, otherwise missing glyphs would not have been noticed, not easily at least.

Re: Gonville, I think the "m" looks small relative to the "p" and "f". Not so much height, but line weight. Maybe it's deliberately, I don't know. I think I was also seeing a scaling artifact that made it look worse at default (100%) view than it looks when zoomed in.