copy and paste

• Apr 28, 2014 - 21:02

1)how to paste selected notes without repleacing existing one? e.g. I want
to put notes AA into BBBB. It should be BBAA BB, and not BBAA. Those two BB
are repleaced by AA, and all score should be extended for 2 notes more. How to
do this?

2) e.g. If I have quater (Q) and next to it eight (E) and I add a dot to Q
(Q.) note E disappears. Should be Q.E and E (and rest of score) should be
moved forward for dot value. How to do this ?


1) copy the 2nd half of BB first, paste it to their new location, than place the AA part between the 2 BB parts
2) basically the same thing here copy/pate the E over by one 8th, than extend the Q to a Q.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Right, but if I copy 2nd half of BB first and paste it to their new location, all notes from new location will be repleased by BB..... Mabye it is question of settings (add notes not repleace notes) I have no idea. The problem is if you want add notes in the middle of score. You adding new notes and old ones disappeares.

In reply to by campers1

Yes, you need to figure out how many notes you need to move. If it's everything to the end of the measure, fine; but if it's everything to to the end of the score, then so be it. Only you know how much you want moved; there is no way any "insert mode" could get the right answer more often than random chance.

Note if you are trying to add an entire measure, there *is* a command for that - Create / Measures / Insert Measure. You can also change the time signature of a measure if you want it to have more beats, and that would allow everything else to stay right where it is. Again, only you know how you want things to end up looking, so MuseScore gives you the tools you need to get that result, but it wouldn't be able to read your mind.

In reply to by campers1

See my comments above. There is no possible way MuseScore can read your mind to know how mnay notes want to move (to end of measure, to next empty meausre, to end of piece?) no can it know how you want those notes moved - keeping the current time signature structre and moving notes into different measures, keeping notes in the same measure but changing the time signature of that measure, changing the time aignature of everything, etc.. Again *software cannot read minds*. Only *you* know what you want done to make room for the notes you wish to insert, so only *you* are in a position to make the correct choice.

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