Not sure where to go

• Oct 3, 2017 - 17:48

My name is Roger Scherer and I recently started using MuseScore (which I love by the way), but since I only recently started, I don't know exactly where to put my suggestion for improvement or what category to put it in (is my issue a bug in the program? only my computer? is it really a suggestion?). So here I am.

This is the thing:

I have not tried everything in the palette, but when I double-click on things I commonly use on the palette (8va, 8vb, a tie, a new time or key signature, or fingering for instance), the following happens regularly:

When I finish double clicking and the appropriate thing is inserted (8va, 8vb, a tie, etc.) a dialog box pops up and asks whether I want to insert a measure before the measure I'm in. This is irritating enough, but with fingering it is intolerable (every note!), hence this request.

Do I have a setting wrong? is it a bug in the program? or is this solved by another way?

Again I'm open to any suggestions. Thank you for your help.


I've never seen or heard of this before. Can you do a few things for us? Tells us your Operating system and version of MuseScore. Take a screen shot of your screen so that it looks like it does when you make the decision you want to add something from the palette (before you actually select a note for the fingering e.g.) then take a screen shot once the dialog pops up.

If you are on windows ctrl-PrtScrn puts a picture of your screen on the clipboard which can be pasted into paint.

Sounds like your "Ins" key might be stuck and randomly sending messages that it has been pressed. Either that or maybe you customized the "insert measure" shortcut to something else that you are pressing? If the factory reset doesn't fix it, maybe try Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts and clear the shortcut for insert measure.

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