Duplicate images in PDF handbook

• Oct 13, 2017 - 08:39
S4 - Minor

In the PDF handbook the screenshot on the page for MIDI Import shows twice, in all languages.
In the HTML handbook it looks OK. See e.g. the English and German versions

Recently Bacchushlg added a German version of that screenshot to the German Handbook's language dependant images (see https://musescore.org/de/node/22918/revisions/371991/view), which then I renamed (download, rename, upload, delete other, adjust inline tag) to match the English image's filename, just with a _de in place of the _en. Not sure whether this was causing this issue. In the German PDF the German image shows twice, in the English and French PDF and others the English image shows twice.

Other pages with language dependant images don't seem to have that issue


Same problem on pdf pages 24, 25, 31, 57, 58–61, 77, 81, 82, 107, 118, 121, 124, 131, 135, 143, 145, 148–157, 163, 190, 199, 219.

Update: The problem is now on pdf pages: 27, 33, 57, 58, 77, 81, 82, 101-2, 111, 119, 122, 123-4, 125, 132, 135-6, 144-6, 147-159, 161-5, 180-1, 185-6, 193, 202-3.

Possibly related to the width of the image? For example, in "Staff properties" and "Preferences", pp. 216-8 and pp. 205 ff., there are no duplicate images in the handbook. The max. image width here is around 630 px. But on pages 147-159 there are many duplicate images. Here the image width is higher at around 760 px.