How to combine note durations?

• Oct 28, 2017 - 08:19

I copied a midi arrangement and pasted it into MuseScore. It worked surprisingly well. It took some cleaning up, because of funny time signatures and several changes of time signature. It's all good now, except there are many places where several quarter notes, all the same pitch, are tied together. How to I change four tied quarter notes of the same note into a whole note, or three tied quarter notes into a dotted half note, and so on?


You get this eg:
So, to receive a whole note, you can select the first C or E, and type 7 (or click on whole note icon)
But, by doing this, the upper G are deleted (and subsequent F/E). And you don't want this, I guess! :)
C E.jpg
So, there is no "magical" way to get automatically and immediatly a "perfect" result. Depends of the context. Anyway, you will have editing work to do.
If you want, attach this midi file, and provide details on what you want to receive as result (and where: which measures)

In reply to by Timborino

Ok, good if solved.
But "It's all good now, except there are many places where several quarter notes, all the same pitch, are tied together." If really the notes are tied (as in my first attached picture), Regroup rhythms changes nothing.
I guess you had done some editing work before that.

In reply to by cadiz1

Regroup rhythms does change tied notes into single notes where possible.

There is the danger of Regroup Rhythms deleting all of your articulations and ornaments though. If it does delete the articulations and ornaments, it cannot be undone. Since your file is a midi import, that is less likely to be an issue.

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