Score when uploaded has an extra page! wtf!

• Nov 16, 2017 - 17:22

My original file has 4 pages, but when I upload it to Musescore it has 5 pages! wtf! See attached score. Thank you.

Attachment Size
The_Flight_Into_Egypt.mscz 24.58 KB


There can be slight differences between systems or between versions of MuseScore that can make some symbols slightly wider or narrower and thus affecting the number of measures that will fit on a line. This is especially true for scores containing lyrics, since the fonts installed on one system may differ from those on another and this affects the spacing.

In order to improve the odds that your score will render the same on another system potentially running a different version of MuseScore, it is best to add explicit line breaks to make sure the other system doesn't try to fit more measures on any line, and then also reduce stretch a notch globally to make sure it doesn't try to fit fewer.

So based on the evidence here, I'm thinking it is indeed differences in the lyrics font between systems. It appears people running Windows are seeing it fit on four pages, but people running Linux (like kuwitt, and the server) are seeing five pages. Most likely the difference is that MuseScore propvides its own version of FreeSerif that is being used on Windows, but Linux systems usually provide their own version, and I'm guessing it is ever so slightly wider, either across the board or even just in some particular characters. Or it could be the characters themselves are the same but the kerning info - what controls the space between characters - differs between the versions of the font. I can see on Windows some letters look uncomfortably close together, maybe on Linux the spacing is just a tiny bit looser.

Anyhow, again, to some extent these sorts of slight differences are going to be unavoidable, so the approach I mentioned of locking in the layout is worth following any time you want to be sure the layout you see is preserved on other systems. It's easy to do. First, Edit / Tools / Add/Remove Line Breaks, choose the "Add line breaks at end of each system" option, then do Ctrl+A and decrease stretch one notch by pressing "{". Because the line breaks are now locked, there won't be any visible change to your score, but you'll have a bit more "wiggle room" to withstand the slight differences in font width calculations from system to system.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

But also note, to some extent if you upload to, you have to accept that everyone viewing may see something different. After all, they can now download your score to their mobile devices using the apps, which allow changing overall font size, transposing, and other actions that will change the layout of your score. So if your main concern is that your score look good across systems, really, your best bet is to remove all line breaks and let things flow as they will.

Ok, I guess I was a bit frustrated earlier today when I posted this thread. I was a bit dramatic and I apologize. Thanks for the help everyone.

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