Uploading score with non-GM soundfont via Save Online
I've loaded a few soundfonts from Synthesiser and chosen the sounds, but when I try to upload it, 'Upload score audio' is greyed out in 'Save Online'. When I go ahead with the upload, everything sounds piano.
Is it because one of them isn't General MIDI? Both are sf2 (one is Fluid).
You probably don't have lame installed on your computer. http://lame.buanzo.org/
MuseScore.com uses mp3 format and this is required to make an mp3 file.
See also the very recent https://musescore.org/en/node/266038
Thank you for those speedy responses, and yes, the lack of LAME was indeed the problem.
The only problem is, the libmp3lame.dylib (v3.99.5) I downloaded doesn't work, but it does with an older one (18 March 2010) I had in my MuseScore folder.
The problem might not be limited to just me (see this).
I'm thinking of these:
#10473: Select location of MP3 library
#208006: Embed MP3 support by default
If it can't be done, or for all platforms, I suggest implementing a warning because, Unless you export audio via file, there's no clue as to why custom audio cannot be done.