local spacing of notes

• Nov 24, 2017 - 15:16

In the score I am currently making,
one measure has two adjacent notes too close together so their words touch each other
even though I put a space between them when I entered the text (like I'm supposed to do).
Spacing is good for the score otherwise.
How can I separate thee two notes more?
Oh, just thought of dragging one word over a little, and it worked.
Is that the only way?


You can use the inspector and move the CHORD (not the segment) horizontally which will take the lyric with it and keep the lyric under it. For this, you only need to click the note head to select it.

For extra spacing: use Ctrl+Space in Lyrics.

  1. Double-click the word,
  2. add extra space with Ctrl + Space (where you want).
  3. Click anywhere outside the selected area. (the effect on the staff (notes) appears in this way.)

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