Playback buttons greyed out - 2017

• Dec 16, 2017 - 20:35

A couple of posts on the same day:
and a little 'florilegio' from the forums:
It seems that the driver for my sound card had a ten-month-old update
a nifty little button in the corner of the I/O tab that said "Reset to Defaults" so I was like, hey why not try it? So I clicked it, it unclicked "Use Jack MIDI Output" and I close MuseScore and reopened it
I ran the manual compatibility routine and now it is working


Thanks for sharing Shoichi. Improving MuseScore to get rid of these nagging sound issues is certainly one of the things we like to focus on for 2018. The main issue though is that we need to be able to reproduce it. This has been the main breaking point thus far. So I think we will have to change strategy and ask remote access to the computer of the users reporting these problems. I don't see any other way currently.

Can you please help me get the Playback out of the greyed thingy? Step-by-step of how you did it, like getting it back to work!?!?

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