Tuplet numbers do not change their color
When creating tuples, you can not change the color of the number. I've tried to change the color, but it only changes the color of the lines, not of the number.
In the image below, I've coloured all 6-tuples with the same color, as the selected tuplet, but none changed their color.
Attachment | Size |
2018-02-01 11_42_22-MuseScore 2_ Ave_Maria_Schubert_Exzerpt.png | 83.64 KB |
Confirmed (in latest master), the bracket does change color though (your tuplet had bracket disabled).
Question is whether it'd be expected to be able to change the color of bracket and number/relation independently?
And indeed this is possible, via Style/Text/Tuplet, but only for all tuplets in the score, not just for one of a few.
In reply to Confirmed (in lasted master)… by Jojo-Schmitz
I would expect to change tuple and bracket color simulatneously. If brackets are disabled, then only the numbern change their color. But admittedly, this is a very rare use-case, and changing all tuplets via Style/Text/Tuplet would do the trick in my case.
Thanks for the reply.