Why basic pallets?

• Feb 3, 2018 - 23:34

Why not just give everyone everything?

I assume there is a reason.

Question triggered by https://musescore.org/en/node/269091#comment-818721


I'm sure you realize by now this question is unrelated to the link attached. The reason for the basic palette is that the advanced palette just has too many choices and the basic will handle the majority of music notation. The advanced palette has an abundance of working options that most users will never need. There are so many palettes, it easier to navigate fewer palettes.

I personally have a custom palette that has about as many options as the basic palette, but there are many added and deleted from the basic list.

The idea was that beginners were reporting they were overwhelmed by the number of symbols present, and it was hard for them to find the ones they really wanted.

I have reservations about this as well, because now we have many questions from people wondering how to find things that would be easier to find if Advanced were the default.

For 3.0, there will be a startup wizard that could allow the user the choice on first startup. I actually hope to have additional customizations - simplified toolbars, other "skins" that are optimized to different use cases.

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