Muted chords in chord progression

• Feb 7, 2018 - 01:07

My quetion is how can I mute certain chords in guitar rythums, such as 1st beat clear sound 2nd beat palm muted 3rd beat clear 4th beat palm muted. i am working on a song with a progression of 1 and a 2 and three and a 4, the a is muted in the progression any help would be greatly appreciated.

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One standard method for tablature is to use an "x" notehead for the muted note. You can convert a standard tab note into such a "ghost note" with Shift+X.

In reply to by lucabot

No really easy way - keep in mind, the primary purpose of MuseScore is notation, not playback. If having more realistic playback is important enough to make this worth your while, you can try using the Instrument change element from the text element to create a new channel and then change the sound in the Mixer.

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