Edit drumset: GM2 Instruments displayed in wrong octave

• Feb 27, 2018 - 11:14
Reported version
S4 - Minor

Middle C = C4. You can confirm this by entering a middle C on an ordinary treble staff and observing the status bar.

  1. Select a percussion staff and enter note input mode. Display the piano keyboard ("P").
  2. Press "C3", the C below middle C. This is "Hi-Mid Tom."
  3. Now press the "Edit Drumset" button. Check the "Note" to which "Hi-Mid Tom" is allocated.

Expected result: The "Note" for "Hi-Mid Tom" should be "C3."
Actual result: The "Note" for "Hi-Mid Tom" is wrongly showing "C2" instead.

The "Note" values for all percussion instruments (in the "Edit drumset" dialog) are currently showing one octave lower than expected.


Status (old) active fixed
Status active fixed

Have you really checked? When I look at this in a 2.2 build, I see C3 (but indeed see C2 in 2.1)

How does one find out which new build has the fix in it? The Development builds page no longer seems to carry this information.