MuseScore 3 repo?

• Mar 27, 2018 - 14:06


I have been considering getting into contributing to MuseScore.
I wan't to get better at C++ and there are some "minor" features, mostly concerning navigation and note selection, that I would like to try to implement since their absence really messes upp my workflow.

I thought that it would be fun to see how version 3 was coming along and implementing the features that I had in mind to version 3 instead of version 2.

But I cant seem to find the source for version 3?
Is it not made public yet or have i just been completely blind and missed it?


Welcome! And do feel free to discuss your ideas on this forum. It's possible there are already some things in place or planned that overlap with whatever it is you have in mind. Or previous discussions of the topic to consider as you design the new features.

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