Pasting Single note and Chord behave differently

• Mar 28, 2018 - 06:27

When I paste single note to rest, duration will be a rest duration.
But when pasting chord (or two notes) to rest, duration will be a note duration.
It should behave either of those.


That is interesting. I too would expect either of those two situations to occur. I would say that should always paste the duration of what was copied to clipboard.

But I wouldn't be surprised if the devs say the behavior you experience is by design.

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

Ok, what I discovered is that this is all desired behavior, believe it or not. There was a lot of discussion at #107231: Pasting notehead onto rest changes rest duration if you want to know the arguments. But basically it comes down to:

  1. pasting a single notehead is intended to use the duration of the destination chord/rest.
  2. pasting an entire chord/rest is intended to use the duration of the source chord/rest.

The "fix" which has resulted in this new behavior for 2.2 is:…

So it seems like you will just have to accept and get used to this new behavior.

FYI, if you have a single note (non-chord) and hold Shift while clicking on it, you will notice that the blue rectangle selects the entire note, not just the notehead. If you then paste this onto a whole rest, it will use the source duration. However, when you just select a notehead (without holding shift), you will notice that only the notehead part of the note (not including the stem) gets selected. So because simply selecting the notehead isn't really selecting the entire note, that is why there is different behavior from when selecting the entire note.

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

To be clear - the bug in 2.1 was that when pasting a single note only, we did different things depending on whether the destination was another note or a rest. We fixed the bug so it now does the same thing either way, and indeed, the consensus was, to use the extra functionality of allowing this to be a way of copying pitch without duration. Win/win.

The idea is that under virtually normal circumstance, you should not be copying and pasting individual notes, but instead using range selections - with the blue box around them. This copies durations as expected. The only* reason you should ever be copying individual notes without making them range selections is when you specifically don't want to copy the duration. That is why this was the consensus choice for the desired behavior - it really is objectively better to allow you both options.

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