Number of Measures in a Line

• May 7, 2018 - 17:17

I seldom use MuseScore. As a result I'm learning on the fly. I've entered a score. Orginally I set the score up for 5 measures per line. Now I'd like to make the Lines per score random so I can change the number of measures per line on an as needed basis in this score. I read some of the posts but I just get more confused. I looked at the the Plugins in my 2.2.1 version but I don't see which if any might help with what I want or how to use them. Again I'm trying to change an existing score. Thanks for your help.


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Caribbean Clipper 2th Tromb 2p .pdf 62.65 KB


If you right click a system break the select>All similar items, you can delete the existing ones with one keystroke.

Thank you for your quick responses. So, I've removed all of the breaks, I think, using "Edit", "Tools", "Remove Current System Breaks" after I had selected all measures. I then tried to move the last measure in line three to line two by shrinking the measures in line two but that didn't work. So now what other trick can I try?

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