moving measures

• Jun 11, 2018 - 00:56

I have set up a basic template, 12 bars, 3 lines of 4 bars, for the blues.

When I start to put in notes the bars stretch out all over the place, a lot of time is spent getting them to line up again. Is there a way to lock in the length of the measures?



In one of your staves use an unused voice (like voice 4) and enter the shortest note's rest that will be in the score. So if the shortest note in the score is a 16th note, use a 16th rest. Fill one of the measures in the voice with that rest, use the Selection filter (F6) to uncheck any voices you want to add real notes to. You can then select the measure and press R repeatedly to fill the score with that rest and all of the measures will be sort of standardized. The presence of key or time signatures (like in the first system) will affect this uniformity. Don't forget to check All in the filter selector when you're done and you can press F6 again to close it.


There are a few ways, depending what you really need. I don't find the question clear enough to do more than guess.

Please post the file so we can see.


Generally speaking, you shouldn't be messing with the default layout - MuseScore takes great care to honor standard spacing rules so that the width of each measure is in correct proportion to the rhythmic content of the measure. While it's true that back in the old days of quickly hand-written lead sheets, people often made all measures the same width out of sheer convenience, this is not considered good practice from a readability standpoint.

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