Can't make 5-beat tremolo between two notes.

• Jun 23, 2018 - 22:56

It's impossible to create a 5-beat tremolo, because half a 5-beat note has to be made out of IE a half note tied to an 8th note, and adding a tremolo between two tied notes will not incorporate the duration of the notes they are tied to:

It's possible to make a 6-beat tremolo in a 6-beat measure, then change the measure to 5 beats and remove the tied note that fell out of the measure, but this does not affect playback and messing with this crashes Musescore:

I'd suggest that it should be made possible to create tremolos with two notes of unequal lenght.

Attachment Size
2018-06-23_23h27_58.png 11.25 KB
2018-06-23_23h38_22.png 21.83 KB


Actually, you can do it - just create a duplet (select the full measure rest, press Ctrl+2) and enter the ntoes there, then add the tremolo.

However, you instantly run into another bug: for some reason, a duplet in 5.4 shows as two quarters. The turning into a tremolo shows as two halves. Not sure what you'd actually want - two wholes? Two dotted halves? Anyhow, you might need to fake it by using the Inspector to change noteheads, hide stems, add dots as symbols, etc.

A tremolo of different durations is not defined. I've never seen one written anywhere. In a case such as 5/4 I've seen it look like two 1/2 notes with a tremolo bar followed by two dotted 1/2 notes with a tremolo tremolo bar (or in the opposite order). I don't recall seeing it as two whole notes in a duplet (or 4th-let in MuseScore), but this would make sense to me, except it would not be played the same as the two 1/2 notes and two dotted 1/2 notes I expect to see. MuseScore does not play tremolos between two notes in a tuplet correctly (See #259771: Make tremolo between notes play correct rhythm when between tuplets).

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