MuseScore Adding Accents to Tied Notes - Bug?

• Jun 24, 2018 - 11:40

Am wanting to add accents to a range of note heads. Some of the notes are tied (the second note is tied so as not to repeat). If I select the note range and double click the accent tool, then MuseScore seems to have the irritating habit (bug?) of adding accents to tied notes! - It’s almost as if it had not been programmed to know what a tied note was, or that it’s not programmed to react appropriately to the difference between a tied note and a phrase mark /slur.

Unless I'm doing something wrong, please could this bug be fixed?


I agree that the most common expectation is that when you select a range of notes and at least some of them are tied, only the first note gets the accent. I also agree it's a bit annoying to either be forced to use ctrl+click rather than shift+slick to only select the notes you want the accents on. I don't think this is a but, but rather a programmning decisions that could have been made better.

There are people who would think our desired behavior to be a bug, but those are mostly the ignorant and I would be willing to explain this to those who complain about it.

The accent is on the Articulations & Ornaments palette. One problem that would need to be overcome is that there is a variety of norms for these symbols. On tied notes you can have the symbol only be applied to the first note, like the accent (sforzato), the last note like staccato and all of them which I would argue applies to tenuto and fermata. Notes: I've seen just about every combination of first, last and all on the tenuto and fermata, so I would apply these to each note. When several notes in a row are played on a string with staccato notes they are properly connected by a slur even if the notes are the same.

We are asking a lot of the program to act this way, but I do think this is worth the effort to make entering a score a little easier. An explanation in the handbook of what to expect from which ornament would be sufficient. A polite RTFM would then be sufficient to explain to someone confused by the results.

This is not a formal Feature request yet, just some things that would need to be considered to make a good feature request here.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks for your advice Mike.

A single note held for example across a barline, is a single note and would have to be tied. For MuseScore to interpret this as two notes and to add an accent to both heads still seems daft to me. Sure: a held note can be pulsed (accented while held), and that may be what the notator wants, but more usually, (as you suggest) an articulation will apply only to the first note head when that note is tied to another note head.

I take your point about the difference between desired behaviour and bugs. There's a difference between desired behavior and most common scenario, which defaults can be set towards, for everyone's sanity.

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