Getting rid of extraneous beats in uploaded files

• Jun 25, 2018 - 17:40

How do I subtract extra note values from a measure scanned in from Audiveris? I have extra beats that I don't know how to get rid of. For instance m. 19 and m. 26 of the attached excerpt. Thank you.

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MilHoe#6.pdf 875.62 KB


As mentioned, posting the score would help. But in general, if the MusicXML file you are importing has too many beats in a measure, you can fix this by right-clicking it, Measure Properties, and correcting the "Actual duration".

Most often imported measures from Audiveris that have extra beats in them are in other unneeded voices. Select the measure and you will probably see notes of more than one color. It will most likely be easiest to simply enter the measure manually rather than trying to figure out the correct process of moving notes to the correct voices while adjusting note lengths.

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