How to write both hands at the same time with a piano

• Jun 30, 2018 - 18:24

Hi, I´m transcribing a song, but I don´t understand how to write both hands at the same time when I´m playing the piano. Can I write both hands a the same time, like Im playing the song, or do I necesseraly have to write both hands separated


You could try using a sequencer program (maybe your keyboard has one built in?) to record your playing into a MIDI file, then you could import that MIDI file and MuseScore will do its best to guess which hands played which notes. But chances are excellent many guesses will be wrong, about which hand played what, about which notes you intended to play together but actually played slightly apart, about exactly how long you intended to play notes that are not held out precisely a multiple of a full beat, etc. In general, if you are expecting to just be able to play the keyboard and have readable notation magically appear, I'm afraid you will need to retire that expectation. Imagine asking Siri to transcribe the conversation between several people accurately...

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