Entering multiple notes
Hi, since I updated, I'm having problems adding multiple notes to be played simultaneously.
It's for classical-type music played on a ukulele, with stave and TAB. I can enter the melody line, but when I try to add harmony notes, the melody disappears. I can add them as a separate part on the same TAB, but only if I add rests for each part to make them fit, and that just makes it slow to edit and hard to read.
I used to be able to stack up full chords as I wanted, with just the melody or diads when I needed them, and different length notes played simultaneously. Now I can't. I thought I must have a setting wrong, but I can't find anything obvious.
What am I doing wrong?
Look at the HANDBOOK for VOICES
In reply to Look at the HANDBOOK for… by Raymond Wicquart
um several voices require several rests in order to get the note to hit at the same time, which is what he wanted to avoid
In reply to um several voices require… by lkbaca
Tabs have the option to not show rests
see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/note-input#chords
"What am I doing wrong?"
The better way to know it is by attaching this score to understand what's going on.
In reply to "What am I doing wrong?"… by cadiz1
okay buddy
To be clear: "chords" are notes that start and end at the same time and are written on the same stem. If you have notes that need to sound together but they don't start at the same time, or they don't end at the same time, then what you have is not a chord but multiple voices. MuseScore supports both. Below I have attached my short tutorial on how to accomplish each of these different tasks.
Click below for my Quick Answer on how to add notes to chords:
Add Notes To Chords

Click below for my Quick Answer on how to enter multiple voices:
Enter Multiple Voices

I think it's something wrong with the new update (Musescore 4), I have the same problem when adding two fourth notes that should overlap the bar, I figured I manually have to add eight notes and then connect them manually, it's probably a bug that will be fixed in later updates