Continuous Page View

• Jul 12, 2018 - 14:38
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

I'd like to suggest the addition of "Continuous Page View" in the "Page View" drop-down. Its effect would be to display the score as in page view, but with no page breaks (as if the page were infinitely long).
I vastly prefer working in page view over continuous, but there a couple of significant nuisances that this would address:

  • I'll be able to use my mouse scroll wheel to quickly navigate through the whole score, not just the current page.
  • I won't get caught in the very annoying situation of being in note input mode trying to create a chord on the last note of the prior measure, and each time I add a note the measure disappears because my next note would fall on the first measure of the next page.
  • I won't be be seeing distracting clipped pages on the right edge of the display area

Thanks, have a great day.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


I hadn't spotted that, and it's a big help. It still does the annoying thing of making the last note of a last measure on a page invisible in note input mode when it automatically moves to the next note. (When making that move it scrolls the next page to the very top of the display area.) In a horizontally scrolling canvas there's probably no way to avoid that, but maybe not in a vertically scrolling one. Is that something that might be considered? If so I may submit a separate request for that.

In any case, the really big win for me is easy scrolling through the whole manuscript, so many thanks for that!

In reply to by mattmcclinch

Thanks. That setting doesn't fix the problem, unfortunately. It's not that I don't want to automatically jump forward when in note-input mode, which is what this setting appears to control (in addition to automatically keeping the current notes in view while playing).

What I don't like is when that jump is to the first measure in the next page. In that case, the prior page disappears altogether - and with it, the note I just changed - even if the canvas is set to vertical scrolling. I can see where this would be pretty much required with horizontal scrolling, but with vertical scrolling it should be possible to simultaneously show the top of the page I've moved into, along with the bottom of the page I moved out of, assuming there's room for both in the display area (which would usually be the case).

The master development branch includes "Single Page" in that dropdown. It seems to try to provide exactly what you are requesting, but, like many things in the master branch, it doesn't quite work. But it will, by the time MuseScore 3 is released.